Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The sounds of summer

Cooper practicing the fine art of doing nothing

Summer, in all its steamy, sizzling glory has finally arrived. Last night's thunderstorms added to the warm morning fog that circulates among the trees as the sunlight streams through the leaves. Today's temperature hovered near triple digits. Although memories of ice and snow are distant, I remind myself of the winter days when I was struggling to chip ice from the sidewalk and my mind turned to precisely the kind of day we are now experiencing.

My cats have the right idea for enjoying such days. They stretch out on the porch and soak in the sun's warmth. As it gets hotter, they simply move less and finally slip into a lazy nap. Rather than struggling against what is, they just give into the fact it's easier to sit and do nothing. Given the choice of coming into the cool house and staying outside in the steam heat, they choose the latter. Every day in the summer is a good cat day because, they just lounge around waiting for the sun to go down...listening to the sounds of summer.

People who have never lived in the woods are often surprised by the noises we are accustomed to.....During the day, the birds cause a ruckus making you wonder just what is going on at the feeders. Normally, it's because a squirrel is hanging upside down trying to steal the sunflower seeds. Late afternoon and evening bring the loud humming of the cicadas and bird songs drifing softly as they settle in for the night....then the crickets, frogs...and other nature sounds join the symphony that entertains us until we finally succumb to our sleepiness and turn the night watch over to our cats.

All of this is offered free of charge. We look forward to sharing the sounds of summer with you very soon.

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